Dashkiosk’s documentation

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Dashkiosk is a solution to manage dashboards on multiple screens. It comes in four parts:

  1. A server will manage the screens by sending them which URL they should display in realtime. A web interface enables the administrator to configure groups of dashboards as well as their associations with available displays.
  2. A receiver runs in a browser attached to each screen. On start, it contacts the server and waits for it to tell which URL to display.
  3. An Android application provides a simple fullscreen webview to display the receiver. There is also a Firefox app fulfilling the same purpose.
  4. A Chromecast custom receiver which will run the regular receiver if you want to display dashboards using Google Chromecast devices.

The Android application and the Chromecast receiver are optional components. Any device able to display a fullscreen web page should work.

A live installation, reset every hour, is publicly available:

Here is a demonstration video:

To contribute, use GitHub.

Indices and tables